The PACWEST Pulp & Paper Conference is held each year in June, and PACWest awards four (4) $1,000 scholarships to deserving students. Eligibility is for students who have been enrolled in a post-secondary program and have completed a work term of at least 4 months duration in a pulp and paper mill or supplier company in Western Canada and intend to pursue a career in the industry. This award is primarily for engineering students but other candidates in the sciences who fit the above work experience would also qualify.
The program description and scholarship submission form needs to be submitted from the students work term or co-op employer, but the student can provide it to their employer and request they submit it on their behalf. Ideally the employer or work term supervisor would also add any supporting comments on the students’ performance during their work term.
The deadline for submissions for this year has been extended to March 31, 2019. The program description and scholarship submission form need to be submitted from the students work term or co-op employer, but the student can provide it to their employer and request they submit it on their behalf. Ideally their employer or work term supervisor would also add any supporting comments on the student’s performance during the work term.
More information on the conference can be found at their website: